Learn more about the university research vice-chancellor

Hossein Hosseini Todeshki, research and technology vice-chancellor of Amirkabir University of Technology, has got his B.S. and M.Sc. in mechanical engineering from Isfahan University of Technology and received his PhD in mechanical engineering from the University of New South Wales (Australia). He is a faculty member of Aerospace Engineering department and full professor in failure mechanic, fatigue, creep, progressive damage analysis and integrity analysis and life time of component and systems. Some of his scientific and executive backgrounds are as follows:
- Head of Technology and Innovation Center of University from 2014-2017.
- Faculty member of Amirkabir University of Technology from 1990.
- Dean of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering from 2001 to 2004.
- Vice-chancellor for education, graduation studies and finance at Aerospace Engineering Department.
- Some of his research outputs include publication of more than 250 articles in credible scientific journals and national and international conferences, of which more than 140 are research articles in prestigious international journals.
In his opinion, the main feature of the new generation universities is the centrality of research and technology and the degree of scientific, economic and social impact of university; for this reason, he considers the mission of Amirkabir University of Technology in the field of research and technology, to be institutionalize the processes toward knowledge, technology and innovation frontiers and to connect research with the needs of society. In this regard, the research deputy and outstanding professors of Amirkabir University of Technology try to institutionalize the research processes in knowledge and innovation frontiers as process-center in the university.
In this regard, the research and technology vice-chancellor is responsible for completing the processes, executive procedures, forming specialized teams, creating infrastructure and providing the necessary tools. Success in implementing this mission, on the one hand, will lead to develop knowledge, technology and entrepreneurship in the university and on the other hand, will lead to industrial development of country and reputation promotion and international rank of university.
In the framework of this mission, the research and technology priorities will be pursued in the fields of health and safety, water and environment, information technology, making intelligent and energy with special attention to macro trends of knowledge and technology in the new era in the strategic plan of Amirkabir University of Technology and based on them, the executive measures will be taken. The essential strategies of this plan are as follows:
- Continuous improvement of current research processes of university in order to reduce waste, accelerating matters and optimal use of facilities
- Increasing quality and quantity of scientific and technological outputs
- Identify and develop emerging technologies and use the power of emerging engines of knowledge and business
- Strengthen relations with industry and interaction with industry research and development centers
- Creating world-class research teams in university by developing professors’ and students’ professional capabilities
- Creating infrastructure and enthusiasm and motivation in professors and students to work in the form of innovation process
- Promoting the national and international position of the university in order to play more effective role in innovation system of country
- Free access to information
- Programs related to skills development and employment of graduates
- Supplying the necessary financial resources to support science production plans in knowledge and technology borders and develop innovation process of university